Features 🏗
Actions: Sidebar redesign 🪟
Usages and Notes just get their own sidebar (if you missed them 👀)
Global triggers: onPageLoad for the whole app 🎬
Tired of configuring the same action for all the pages? We've got you covered — now you can configure it in one place!
Table: Customizable "Add" button 🎨
Select: {{ui.select.options}} variable 📋
This is something obvious, why we didn't add it earlier? Now it's possible to get a list of Select's options via code, just use {{ui.select.options}}
Components enhancements 🪄
A bunch of updates here:
- Markdown support for Tree component ✍🏻
- New "OnItemClick" trigger for Menu component 🖱️
- New "Disabled" property for Tabs and Tabset 🫣
Bug fixes 🐞
- actions: state variable value preview height
- actions: fix right sidebar icons when it closed
- auth: multiple sso and auto login
- components outline highlight
- copy button click area
- d&d blocked by interaction-highlight
- docs opening on label text click
- engine: do not compile components marked as notRendered
- engine: restore fast differ checks
- fix right sidebar icons position
- fix scroll on drag resize element
- grid: header/sidebar reflow
- grid: layout header reflow
- grid: reflow after dynamic height changes
- grid: remove grid view jumps on init with dynamic content width
- grid: set width synchronously
- grid: sync reflow regressions
- grid: trigger reflow on module render
- image: image is not reset after submit
- modal: don't destroy modal on ui.modal.close
- page cannot be loaded when on app load action deleted
- remove error when component is added
- remove error when setting active class on page
- s3: allow upload with default bucket
- select: inconsistent default options
- select: options panel size for small amount of big options
- select: set first option as active after search
- select: update active option state correctly on select/multiselect change
- show condition not working for sliders
- smart-table: nested arrays are exported as invalid csv
- stepper: allow select completed step
- tabset,stepper: dynamic height in not rendered mode
- tabs: flickering on initial rendering
- tabs: select first tab initially
- textarea: auto height
- builder: update components
- disable child differs